Main Street Summit sessionS
Avoiding the Content Trap | Casey Helmick
Casey Helmick, President of Terra Firma, will help you decide if you should have a podcast this year or if it will be a trap for your business.
Same As Ever: A Guide to What Never Changes | Morgan Housel
Every investment plan under the sun is, at best, an informed speculation of what may happen in the future. Morgan identifies the many things that never, ever change in order to optimize risk, seize opportunity, and live your best life.
The Indie Era of Startups | Bryce Roberts
In this overview of different startup eras, Bryce will explore some of the data that is shaping the current environment and lay out a plan for builders going forward into this new era of entrepreneurship.
Building Kanbrick & Businesses for the Long Term | Tracy Britt Cool & Brian Humphrey
With decades of experience in patient investing in businesses large and small, Tracy Britt Cool and Brian Humphrey of Kanbrick share investing and operational priorities critical to building a business to last.
What the Frac? | Jordan Strebeck
Jordan Strebeck of Fortress Energy dives into what you might not know about the state of hydrocarbons and why affordable energy is the key to helping human flourishing.
The Fingerprints of Winning Culture | Mike beckham
Simple Modern Co-Founder Mike Beckham's operations have cumulatively generated over $2 billion in retail sales, and he believes the most critical component is culture. What are the three foundational elements of a winning culture?
Professional vs. Personal: How Family-Owned Businesses Thrive | Jamie Shah & Paul Cavalieri
A deep dive into what makes Family-Owned businesses work and last.
Write Like a Comedian | David Perell
How comedians can teach you to become a better leader, thinker, and creator.
Building & Marketing Real Products | John Fio
John Fiorentino, Inventor of Gravity Blanket, talks about Building & Marketing Real Products